Goldband – You and Me

Marre Bonke edited this awesome videoclip at STORM.

Adidas – The Ridiculous Run

Adidas launched the WithWomenWeRun campaign meant to bring more awareness about women’s safety whilst running.Over a period of 10 days, Storm worked intensely with TBWA and Adidas to help carry this important message!Storm did the visual effects, color grading, and deliveries for this TV commercial.

Sportlife – Boost Energy

Storm did the edit, color grading, and deliveries for this commercial

Aldi – Back to School

Storm did the editing for this TV commercial.

Nationale Kinderherdenking 2022

In the interactive film ‘De Onmogelijke Keuzes van Daan’ we follow young protagonists Daan, Yara and Milan, as they get caught up a war in their own neighbourhood, in the Netherlands. They are forced to make choices, which confront you – as a viewer – with the question: ‘What would you do?’. Your choices determine the course of the story. You see the consequences of your decisions. And just as you have made one choice, another situation rears its head forcing you to make a new choice you’d rather not make.

Storm did the editing, visual effects, color grading, and deliveries for this interactive film.

Aldi – A-Merken

Storm did the edit for this TV commercial.